đź’° Remove Revenue Roadblocks

Get to the Heart of Costs, Value, and Growth

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Hi Sam,

An ongoing priority in any business is growing revenue by retaining and expanding customers and attracting new customers. You can invest more in advertisements, sales outreach, and incentives for existing customers. That’s expensive.

Much of what’s viewed as “costs of doing business” are actually roadblocks to revenue! And many of these are preventable in practical ways.

Why should you remove revenue roadblocks?

Revenue Roadblock 
= anything misaligned with customers’ well-being.

Customers’ Well-being 
= value toward their ultimate aim.

Ultimate Aim 
= outcome for their life or business via your brand.

Roadblock-free organizations are aligned to customers’ ultimate aim.

  • Alignment means unsiloed thinking and actions.

  • Alignment minimizes waste and maximizes value (for everyone!).

Minimum waste means:

  • More budget is available for growth efforts.

  • Less doubts in the market. (doubts dilute Marketing & Sales success)

  • Trouble-shooting resources shift to value-creating efforts.

  • Customers’ time, stress, and money savings differentiate your brand.

  • Positivity for employees’ and customers’ productivity.

Maximum value means:

  • Achievement of their ultimate aim is streamlined, enriched, secure, etc.

  • Consistent, reliable performance across time, places, people, products.

  • Win-win for everyone: high ratio between what’s gained vs. what’s given.

  • Brand integrity: say what you’ll do and do what you said 100%.

Revenue Roadblock Self-Assessment

Roadblock #1
Growth efforts: shaped and gated by CX insights? 

1. Are ideal customers defined by your operational strengths?
2. Do customers sense their well-being comes first for you?
3. Is lifetime value emphasized in Marketing and Sales metrics?
4. Is engagement customer-centric?
5. Do CX insights shape all new products/services, product upgrades, new market entries, market expansions, business models, mergers, and alliances?

Roadblock #2
Efficiency efforts: prioritized and guided by CX insights? 

1. Are process silos prevented?
2. Do you manage Support as a value center?
3. Is cost of poor customer experience separated from other costs?
4. Do you stop root causes of prevalent issues?
5. Are shrinkflation and inflation actively avoided?

Roadblock #3
Performance standards: emphasize closing gaps?  

1. Does every employee see why customers pay their salary?
2. Does every department know the size of CX gaps they cause?
3. Is your enterprise led as a team sport?
4. Are teamwork and prevention emphasized in recognition?
5. Are true leading indicators the focus of compensation?

Roadblock #4
Strategies: rallied around customers’ ultimate aim?

1. Is senior leadership embracing intentional CX as its North Star?
2. Do all departments’ strategies start with customers’ viewpoint?
3. Does every group’s strategy focus on customers’ ultimate aim?
4. Is CX strategy holistic and bold?
5. Do you aim to leapfrog industry norms?


How to Remove Revenue Roadblocks

1) Growth: does ideal customers’ well-being come 1st?

— What % of growth efforts earnestly use CX insights?
— How can you increase CX insights usage in all growth efforts?

Consider this: separate your data by ideal customers vs. other customers, assess every customer engagement offer for customer-centricity levels, ask customers about their ultimate aim and your customer-centricity, add lifetime value to Marketing and Sales metrics dashboard.

2) Efficiency: are silos + causes of poor CX prevented?

— What % of efficiency efforts earnestly use CX insights?
— How can you increase CX insights usage in all efficiency efforts?

Consider this: quantify Service’s turnaround of potential churn, data-mine customer comments from Service to find anonymous patterns, separate costs of poor CX from other costs, engage every group in doing their part to reduce silos and stop recurrence of prevalent issues to which they’re contributing.

3) Performance: does every group close their CX gaps?

— What % of departments earnestly use CX insights?
— How can you increase CX insights usage in all departments?

Consider this: ask AI what’s relevant in your data-mined customer comments separately for each department companywide, make a contest to draft department charters and job descriptions re: why customers pay for it, show execs the team sport analogy, revise recognition and bonus criteria.

4) Strategies: is every group’s strategy CX-inspired?

— What % of strategies earnestly use CX insights?
— How can you increase CX insights usage in all departments’ strategies?

Consider this: show execs and Strategic Planning the North Star analogy, facilitate a VoC action workshop with each department companywide in the quarter prior to Strategic Planning processes, revise CX strategy to facilitate all of the above (remove revenue roadblocks 1-4).

Let’s try it!

Start with who’s using CX insights and how:

Remove Revenue Roadblocks

Insights Usage Rate

How to Facilitate Increased Usage

Does ideal customers’ well-being come first?


(10 growth efforts:
3 of these are shaped and gated by CX insights)

Highlight ideal customers’ expectations in CX reports

Are silos + causes of poor CX prevented?


(20 efficiency efforts:
2 of these are prioritized and guided by CX insights)

Suggest how every department can close a CX gap (internal or external)

Does every group close their CX gaps?


(50 departments:
30 of these emphasize closing CX gaps)

Lunch-n-learn sessions and contest for why customers pay for you

Is every group’s strategy CX-inspired?


(50 departments:
5 of these rally around customers’ ultimate aim)

Partner with Strategic Planning to identify intentional CX as North Star companywide.

You can download this template.
Apply it to your own situations.

Let’s re-direct managers’ attention to true CX Value. Thanks for using this approach to radically shift Customer Experience Leadership Value.

All the best,

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